3. října 2018

Co do chladničky nikdy nedávat?

Co do lednice nikdy nedávat?

Co (ne)patří do lednice a kam všechno správně uložit?

Rajčata: u nich chladem zastavíme růst a dozrávání. Z lednice budou mdlá, nebudou mít požadovanou strukturu a můžou být moučná...

1 komentář:

Steven Rivera řekl(a)...

"vermact 12 mg
Nausea or vomiting:
Stick to simple meals. Do not devour rich or highly spiced food.
Eat fibre wealthy foods like sparkling fruit, vegetables and cereals. Drink plenty of water. Exercise more often.
Drink plenty of fluids, inclusive of water or juice, to keep away from dehydration. Do not take any drug treatments with out talking to a medical doctor.
Abdominal ache:
Try to rest and loosen up. You can devour and drink slowly or have smaller and common food. Keeping a warmness pad to your belly may additionally help. If nevertheless pain persists, communicate for your doctor.
Rest and drink plenty of fluids. Do now not drink too much alcohol. Ask your physician to endorse a painkiller.
Try to rest and relax. Get enough sleep. Avoid journeying, using or working any tools or machines whilst you are feeling dizzy. If the symptom nonetheless persists, touch your physician for recommendation.