27. dubna 2018

Fuchsia není Linux

Fuchsia není Linux, ale nese si sebou některé jeho problémy viz níže, což je velká škoda!

Fuchsia Dark Eyes
Google's Fuchsia OS
source: google

Fuchsia není Linux, Google zveřejnil další informace o připravovaném systému

Fuchsia používá tzv. capability-based systém zabezpečení procesů. Postavena je na mikrojádru jménem Zircon, které je derivátem tzv. Little Kernelu, což byl maličký operační systém cílený na embedded trh, za jehož vývojem stál Travis Geiselbrecht, tvůrce jádra Haiku OS. Fuchsia je open-source systém dostupný pod licencemi MIT, Apache 2.0 a tříbodovou BSD...
pokračování na root.cz

Google come BlackBerry adotta un kernel diverso


The logo of the Fuchsia operating system, a fuchsia-colored, tilted, two loop infinity symbol. The left loop is larger and higher. The right loop is smaller and lower.

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Zircon is very much in the legacy of linux.The biggest sin of Linux API remains ioctl (and its variants). Zircon commits the same mistake with its `object_get_prop` [1] and `object_get_info` [2].
If you pretend to be type safe (have different getters for different obj-types), you can in the long run replace these calls with in-userland static calls where possible to accelerate performance (like linux does for futex and time).

Instead you get his "It does A if you give it B, it does C if you give it D" this is pretty bad API design as it NEEDS a void pointer. I'd rather see _a lot_ of simple with numbers related to the call. You have 4 million of them FFS (if you care about 32bit compatibility).

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The API design is extremely nice otherwise, and these methods feel like such an after thought.

To be clear I really don't care about POSIX compatibility, its easy to shoe horn in after you have a solid OS. The Windows-NT kernel has done it twice now (NT4.0 and Windows10).
[1] https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/zircon/+/master/docs/syscal...
[2] https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/zircon/+/master/docs/syscal...

Actually, three times. There were two POSIX subsystems.


# Zircon Kernel Concepts




Fuchsia OS – An operating system by Google !

Google's Fuchsia Adds Emulator for Running Linux Apps

Google’s Fuchsia OS will support Linux apps

Simplified Fuchsia architecture
Source: 9to5Google

Fuchsia, Google’s Experimental Mobile OS, Solves Glaring Problems That Apple Doesn’t Get

Fuchsia OS: Google doesn’t need a third wheel
Google Fuchsia OS: What's the story so far?

Již dnes si můžete zakoupit různý HW který běří na OS Linux Zircon
jedná se třeba o satelitní přijímače

2 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Kdy nahradí Fuchsia OS systém Android?


Peter řekl(a)...

Fuchsia is not Linux and this is so clear. Lunix is a Windows operating system and Fuchsia is another WOS with different capabilities. Now it's time to avail water bottle for more information.