Europe's Growing Muslim Population
Europe's Growing Muslim Population: Muslims are projected to increase as a share of Europe's population -- even with no future migration
KOMENTÁŘ: Hořká příchuť starého triumfu. Západ si neví s Tureckem Kmoníček
Komu fandí Turci v Německu
Paradox německých Turků: volí levici, ale podporují Erdogana
Where Are Europe's Millionaire Households?
Kurds vs. Turks in Paris
Turci v Německu
Turecká kolonializace Německa
Anwerbeabkommen (Recruitment Agreement)
50 Years of Turkish Colonisation in Germany
'German' Football Player of Turkish Descent Doesn't Want to Play Against Turkey
Germany: 180 involved in Turk vs. Kurd fistfight in Hannover Airport
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