3. ledna 2017

Londýn má plán na první dny po smrti královny

Londýn má plán na první dny po smrti královny

Londýn má a musí mít plán na první dny po smrti královny Alžběty II

Ancestors and descendents King of Bohemia (Czech rep.) Charles 4th and Queen Elizabeth II (UK)

The British Royal Family Tree

Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia - Wikipedia
Václav I

Londýn má plán na první dny po smrti královny.
Z televizí zmizí komedie, červené autobusy se zastaví

'London Bridge is down'
... větou "Londýnský most padl" bude předseda vlády informován o královnině skonání ...

Po smrti královny se svolají obě komory parlamentu. Obyčejní lidé odejdou domů z práce dříve. Cestujícím v letadlech předají smutnou zprávu piloti.

Následující dny budou doslova nabité ceremoniemi. Ulice se zaplní vojáky, kočáry a královskou stráží. Princ Charles bude hned druhý den po smrti své matky oficiálně prohlášen za krále Charlese I.

Samotný pohřeb Alžběty, která panuje už od roku 1953, bude obrovskou událostí. Proběhne devátý den po její smrti. V tento den v 11 hodin dopoledne Británie utichne. Zastaví se městská doprava a řidiči červených autobusů vystoupí na okraj silnice a uctí královninu památku tichem.

Smrt královny obrátí celou zemi minimálně na několik dní vzhůru nohama. Jak server The Guardian připomíná, Alžběta je posledním žijícím pojítkem s dřívější velikostí Spojeného království. Země bude oficiálně truchlit 10 dní ...

... Královna Alžběta II. vládne už 65 let. Za tu dobu se ve Spojených státech vystřídalo 12 prezidentů. Symbolizuje stabilitu a pořádek ...

The long read 'London Bridge is down': the secret plan for the days after the Queen’s death

In the plans that exist for the death of the Queen – and there are many versions, held by Buckingham Palace, the government and the BBC – most envisage that she will die after a short illness. Her family and doctors will be there. When the Queen Mother passed away on the afternoon of Easter Saturday, in 2002, at the Royal Lodge in Windsor, she had time to telephone friends to say goodbye, and to give away some of her horses. In these last hours, the Queen’s senior doctor, a gastroenterologist named Professor Huw Thomas, will be in charge. He will look after his patient, control access to her room and consider what information should be made public. The bond between sovereign and subjects is a strange and mostly unknowable thing. A nation’s life becomes a person’s, and then the string must break.

There will be bulletins from the palace – not many, but enough. “The Queen is suffering from great physical prostration, accompanied by symptoms which cause much anxiety,” announced Sir James Reid, Queen Victoria’s physician, two days before her death in 1901. “The King’s life is moving peacefully towards its close,” was the final notice issued by George V’s doctor, Lord Dawson, at 9.30pm on the night of 20 January 1936. Not long afterwards, Dawson injected the king with 750mg of morphine and a gram of cocaine – enough to kill him twice over – in order to ease the monarch’s suffering, and to have him expire in time for the printing presses of the Times, which rolled at midnight.

Her eyes will be closed and Charles will be king. His siblings will kiss his hands. The first official to deal with the news will be Sir Christopher Geidt, the Queen’s private secretary, a former diplomat who was given a second knighthood in 2014, in part for planning her succession.

Geidt will contact the prime minister. The last time a British monarch died, 65 years ago, the demise of George VI was conveyed in a code word, “Hyde Park Corner”, to Buckingham Palace, to prevent switchboard operators from finding out. For Elizabeth II, the plan for what happens next is known as “London Bridge.” The prime minister will be woken, if she is not already awake, and civil servants will say “London Bridge is down” on secure lines. From the Foreign Office’s Global Response Centre, at an undisclosed location in the capital, the news will go out to the 15 governments outside the UK where the Queen is also the head of state, and the 36 other nations of the Commonwealth for whom she has served as a symbolic figurehead – a face familiar in dreams and the untidy drawings of a billion schoolchildren – since the dawn of the atomic age




Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire,
Emerson Kent World History and Canadian Geographic

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