21. března 2018

Automated greenhouse

Automated greenhouse

Build your own automatic Raspberry Pi Greenhouse

How to Make a Mini Automated Greenhouse for Microgreens

Automatic Gardening System With NodeMCU and Blynk, the "ArduFarmBot 2"

Arduino Controlled Greenhouse (With Blynk As Interface)


How to get Google Chromium for the Raspberry Pi

Install Chromium on Raspberry Pi’s by using git

Raspberry Pi Remote Access by using SSH and PuTTy

SSH using Windows

Pay Per Blynk

ArduFarmBot2 - Automatic Operation with Blynk - video 3

Smart Modular Watering System using Blynk


Send Sensor Data to Blynk ESP8266

Gardening is one of the popular hobbies among the people in the midst of busy work culture and urban life style. Gardening seems to release the stress, healthy spending of the leisure time effectively. But the apartment living has no free space for gardening. As a result, small scale greenhouse is now the hottest trend in the century. Greenhouse is a structure that the user used to grow the plants. It is built with a specific need for the type of plant they wish to grow. So the structure varies depending on type of plant and scale of size. Although it creates a perfect environment for plants, it needs human care to control the optimum status of the house such as ventilation. Automated greenhouse is to ease people when they wish to grow plants. It helps to monitor the situation, when they are not at home. The main aim of this paper is to minimize the human care needed for the plant by automating the green house and monitor the in-house environment status. A single unit of the greenhouse structure prototype has been constructed and integrated with the sensors. The control system is designed with Adriano Uno microcontroller. Servo motors have been used to push the roof when there is rain detected. A 12 volt fan is also installed and turns ON when the temperature is too high. The prototype developed is simulated under five different places and the results are analyzed.

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skleník, závlaha, zalévání

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