1. prosince 2017

CPU Benchmarks

CPU Benchmarks

PC, NB CPU Benchmarks

Comparison of Mobile Processors (CPU Benchmarks)

New Laptop CPU Performance

New PC CPU Performance

New Desktop CPU Performance

  • CPU tests Mathematical operations, compression, encryption, physics.
  • 2D graphics tests Vectors, bitmaps, fonts, text, and GUI elements.
  • 3D graphics tests DirectX 9 to DirectX 12 in 4K resolution. DirectCompute & OpenCL
  • Disk tests Reading, writing & seeking within disk files + IOPS
  • Memory tests Memory access speeds and latency

AMD vs. Intel: How does tech’s oldest rivalry look in 2018?

PC Configurator - PC builder

PassMark PerformanceTest

High End CPUs - Intel vs AMD

High Mid Range CPUs

Low Mid Range CPUs

Low End CPUs

Price Performance Currently Available

AMD vs Intel: which chipmaker does processors better?

Best CPU for Gaming: Eight AMD and Intel processors tested


AMD AM4 vs TR4 (Socket SP3r2)

TR4 Socket, X399 Chipset & Test Setup - AMD Ryzen Threadripper

AMD RYZEN Threadripper 1950X

CPU speed
CPU performance


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