31. července 2018

How to block a phone number and text on Caterpillar CAT B25

How to block a phone number and text on Caterpillar CAT B25

How to block a phone number on Caterpillar CAT B25?

You have already received a text message or a call from a number that was not registered in your contacts, a hidden number, or advertisements and telemarketers constantly trying to sell you a product. This can be very unpleasant when text messages and calls are unceasing.

That’s why you can block calls and text messages from a phone number. We will explain through this article how to block a phone number on Caterpillar CAT B25. First, we will explain how to block the phone number of one of your contacts or an unknown number.

Secondly, we will explain how to block text messages from known and unknown senders.

Finally, we will conclude by explaining how it is possible to block phone numbers through third-party applications.

Block text messages from a contact

Because you have an Caterpillar CAT B25, you can also block text messages from a phone number. First, open the application “Messages” and then press the menu button located at the top left of your Caterpillar CAT B25. Then you will see a list and you will need to press “Settings”. Then click “More”. You will have access to more settings.

Check the box labeled “Spam settings” and you will have three choices.

Add to spam numbers: Add one of your contacts to the SPAM list

Add to the spam phrases: add all the text messages containing the sentences you have chosen beforehand and which will land in SPAM

Block unknown senders: blocks the reception of text messages from unsaved senders in your contacts

Source and continue

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