1. prosince 2021

Vladimír Putin - Ruský konservatismus proti levicovému liberalismu

Russia's New 'Conservative' Ideology To Counter Liberalism
January 11, 2022 | By Anna Mahjar-Barducci*


'We Will Be Guided By A Healthy Conservatism'
"Budeme se řídit zdravým konzervatismem"

Yet, Putin not only determines in his speech that liberalism is not the "end of history", but also shows similarities between liberalism (or more accurately progressive liberalism) and communism, ironically echoing anti-Kremlin conservative Polish philosopher and politician Ryszard Legutko's book, "The Demon In Democracy."

Putin ve svém projevu - manifestu vyjmenoval bod po bodu myšlenky Západu, které zpochybňuje. Svým způsobem se Putin ve svém projevu snaží nastínit to, co ruský antiliberální filozof Alexandr Dugin nazývá "čtvrtou politickou teorií".
Dugin klasifikuje tři politické teorie podle toho, jak se objevily, které charakterizovaly 20. století: liberalismus (první teorie),
komunismus (druhá teorie)
a fašismus (třetí teorie).
Fašismus se objevil později než ostatní hlavní politické teorie a zanikl dříve než ony. Spojenectví liberalismu a komunismu v kombinaci s geopolitickými chybami Adolfa Hitlera bylo příčinou zániku fašismu. Zánik fašismu uvolnil bojiště první a druhé politické teorii, jejichž souboj ve studené válce vytvořil bipolární svět, který trval téměř půl století. Rozpad Sovětského svazu v roce 1991 znamenal vítězství liberalismu nad komunismem. Na konci 20. století tak liberalismus zůstal jedinou obstojnou teorií.

'Beware Of Going Where The Bolsheviks Once Planned To Go'

In his speech, Putin, who considers history as a key element for shaping Russia's new ideology, actually states:

"Where are the humanitarian fundamentals of Western political thought? … What are the general ethical limits in the world where the potential of science and machines are becoming almost boundless? … Some people in the West believe that an aggressive elimination of entire pages from their own history, 'reverse discrimination' against the majority in the interests of a minority, and the demand to give up the traditional notions of mother, father, family and even gender, they believe that all of these are the mileposts on the path towards social renewal.

The destruction of age-old values, religion, and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family (we had that, too), encouragement to inform on loved ones – all this was proclaimed progress and, by the way, was widely supported around the world back then and was quite fashionable, same as today. By the way, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of opinions other than theirs.

"This, I believe, should call to mind some of what we are witnessing now. Looking at what is happening in a number of Western countries, we are amazed to see the domestic practices - which we, fortunately, have left, I hope - in the distant past. The fight for equality and against discrimination has turned into aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity, when the works of the great authors of the past – such as Shakespeare – are no longer taught at schools or universities, because their ideas are believed to be backward. The classics are declared backward and ignorant of the importance of gender or race. In Hollywood, memos are distributed about proper storytelling and how many characters of what color or gender should be in a movie. This is even worse than the agitprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


*Anna Mahjar Barducci is Director of the MEMRI Russian Media Studies Project.

APPENDIX – Russian President Vladimir Putin's Speech At The Plenary Session Of The 18th Annual Meeting Of The Valdai International Discussion Club

DODATEK - Projev ruského prezidenta Vladimira Putina na plenárním zasedání 18. výročního zasedání Mezinárodního diskusního klubu Valdaj


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