How to talk someone out of a damaging cult
How to help friends and family
How to rescue a loved one from a sect
10 things I wish I’d known about cults
5. Cult members lose their identity, change personality and stop thinking for themselves
More productive than challenging the theology of a cult member, is asking them about their hobbies (which they’ve probably given up on) and reminding them of their past and the future hopes they once had. Expressing this caringly is likely to leave an impression even if you don’t see any emotional response. It will remind them of the ‘self’ they left behind in assimilating with the cult.
... Efektivnější než konfrontovat přesvědčení členů sekty je zeptat se jich na jejich koníčky (kterých se pravděpodobně vzdali) a upomenout je na jejich minulost a naděje do budoucnosti, které dříve měli. Pokud to vyjádříte láskyplně, může to v nich něco zanechat, ačkoliv nevidíte žádnou emoční reakci. Může jim to připomenout jejich "já", kterého se vzdali, když se zapojili do sekty.
Cults Inside Out: How People Get in and Can Get Out
How to Rescue a Loved One from a Cult or Controlling Relationship: The Strategic Interactive Approach
Steven Hassan America's Leading Cult Expert
“BITE” stands for Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional control
Scientology Cult use Nazi Tactics to Control Members
The Background and Beliefs of SCJ
Assessing the Mormon Church Using Steven Hassan’s BITE Model for Cults
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bite model Steven Hassan |
infoSEKTA - Infos zu Gruppen und Themen
parachristo "charity"
Inside 'YOU Church' ‘We are not brainwashing people’
Assessing the Mormon Church Using Steven Hassan’s BITE Model for Cults
shincheonji teaching
Cultwatch is a para-church organisation made up of people from different Christian denominations
Are you in a cult?
How Pastors Get Rich
Infos zu Gruppen und Themen - infosekta
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