27. června 2018

Traveling Salesman Problem

Problém obchodního cestujícího

OptiMap - Fastest Roundtrip Solver

Traveling Salesman Problem -  mathworld.wolfram.com

Q: How can I enter destinations by GPS coordinates?

Find Shortest Tour

Find Shortest Tour - Map - routexl.com


Speedy Route calculates the best route when visiting multiple locations and then returning back to the start. It is ideal for delivery drivers, sales people on the road, or anyone who needs to make multiple stops ...


With BatchGeo Pro you can create maps even faster and take advantage of more features than our free version ...

This site saves you time and money by optimizing complex driving routes involving up to twenty-five different addresses




There are several key features that we hope can differentiate the Valhalla project from other routing and network analysis engines...
...Multi-modal and time-based routes. Should allow for mixing auto, pedestrian, bike and public transportation in the same route or setting a time by which one must arrive at a location...

Problém obchodního cestujícího nad Google Maps

traveling salesman problem code
traveling salesman problem python
traveling salesman problem dynamic programming

Traveling Salesman Problem - Google  -  developers optimization routing tsp


Evolution of a salesman: A complete genetic algorithm tutorial for Python

Illustration of a potential solution to the TSP (By Xypron [Public domain],
from Wikimedia Commons)

Speeding Up The Traveling Salesman Using Dynamic Programming


The traveling salesman problem has been written about, researched, and taught extensively. As it turns out, there are many different approaches when it comes to attempting to solve it, and the Held-Karp algorithm is just one of them. If you want to dig deeper into this particular topic, here are some good places to start.
  1. Travelling Salesman Problem, 0612 TV w/ NERDfirst
  2. Traveling Salesman Problem Dynamic Programming Held-Karp, Tushar Roy
  3. What is an NP-complete in computer science?, StackOverflow
  4. Big O Notation and Complexity, Kestrel Blackmore
  5. A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for TSP, Coursera
  6. Traveling Salesman Problem: An Overview of Applications, Formulations, and Solution Approaches, Rajesh Matai, Surya Singh, and Murari Lal Mittal

Android App : The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

algoritmy.net - tsp

Concorde TSP



Optimalizace tras a plánování dopravy? GeoTraxx!

DP - Pokrocile metody sitove analyzy pro modelovani svozu odpadu

Diplomová práce GPS monitorování nakládek v podniku


 Sčítání lidu, domů a bytů - dojížďka a vyjížďka - k 1.3.2001

Problém obchodního cestujícího (TSP) - vsb

An Android Application for Google Map Navigation System, Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem, Optimization throught Genetic Algorithm - ideas

Jakub Marian: Mapy, které změní váš pohled na Evropu a Česko 

24 skrytých, ale praktických funkcí Google Map. Věděli jste o nich? 


Vehicle Routing Problem | OR-Tools | Google Developers

App that solves the traveling salesman problem



Chinese Postman Problem

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