31. října 2018

Automatically Download data from web

Automatically Download data from web

See and understand your data with Tableau

Test Table Capture & Table to Excel

Automatically Download Data And Analyse from web

Getting Data From One Online Source

Easily extract data from any website

Automatically Download Stock Price data

How to Import Share Price Data into Excel (with Yahoo! Finance)    www.marketindex.com.au/analysis/

How to get live web data into a spreadsheet without ever leaving Google Sheets

Meet structured web data  -  www.diffbot.com
Automatically extract web pages as structured data. No rules required

5 Tools for Downloading and Analyzing Twitter Data

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: Determining the Best Platform for Mobile Marketing

entrepreneur.com - Data Analysis



Market - Consensus Recommendations


Developer - Developers
Hire the top 3% of freelance developers

Nasazujeme a testujeme (mikro)služby

Prodám spuštěný web na mikroslužby. Celý web přeložen do češtiny kromě administrace.


Outsourcing a mikroslužby změní způsob, jakým firmy nakupují práci i služby

Forex Algorithmic Trading: A Practical Tale for Engineers

How to Extract Data from a Spreadsheet using VLOOKUP, MATCH and INDEX

How to extract data from website to excel

Automated data scraping from websites into Excel

How to extract data from multiple tables in a web page

How to Scrape Google Search Results Quickly, Easily and for Free

The Ultimate Introduction to Web Scraping and Browser Automation

Whenever you need to import data from an external website, hopefully they provide an API and make your life easy. But in the real world, that's not always the case. There are numerous reasons why you might want to get data from a web page or multiple web pages, and there's no API in sight, and in that case you're going to need to fall back onto Web Scraping and Browser Automation.

In this screencast I'm going to give a high level overview of how to scrape websites, then cover five different scenarios, in increasing difficulty, for practical web scraping. There is a massive amount of information in this screencast and I'm going to straight up bombard you with it, but if you can make it until the end I guarantee you will come out knowing how to scrape websites with the best of them.

As always, you can hit me up on twitter @AlwaysBCoding with questions, comments, to argue about programming, or to drop a suggestion for which topics I should cover next.

Jordan Leigh

Automatically Download Stock Price data from Yahoo Finance - TimevalueVideos https://sites.google.com/site/timevaluevideos/

Published on 30 Oct 2014
A walkthrough on how to write a VBA Macro in Excel to automatically download historical prices for any stock in any date range.

**UPDATE** 9/10/16 it seems that Yahoo has reversed their URL for getting the data. The End Date and the Beginning Date have reversed. So if you just swap the locations on the Excel sheet for the dates then it should work fine.
TimeValue Videos

Creating an app (Database) that works with Google Sheets!

Published on 25 Jan 2016 After spending some time looking, and being disappointed with the lack of database maker via google, I found a great website called Appsheet (www.appsheet.com) that allows you to link your google spreadsheet and create an app (and share that app). It backs up on your spreadsheet!

How to turn a spreadsheet into a database-driven web application

To learn more: www.mrc-productivity.com. This video explains how to turn a spreadsheet into a database-driven web application using the web application development platform, m-Power.

Creating a web database application in 5 minutes using AppGini

How To Create a Database Driven Website and Application Without Coding

In this video we go through a step-by-step tutorial on how to create and deploy a membership application to a website - users will register, login to update their profile, and search other members in the directory. CaspioInc - http://free.Caspio.com

Building a Mobile App with Database in 5 Minutes - Appery io

This video shows how to build a mobile app connected to an API backend (cloud database) in 5 minutes.

Build your mobile app with Google Cloud Platform

How to #makeanapp in 25 min - For FREE!

Please Note: It has been more than two years since this tutorial went live. It is still valuable so we are leaving it live, but much has changed and been improved since 2013. Over 2 million new mobile apps have been started on the platform. Due to overwhelming publisher feedback, we have removed the ads from all apps and our base package is now $1 / month. Please watch the video to discover why Infinite Monkeys / AppMakr is now the largest DIY mobile publisher in the world.

Watch Jay build a mobile app for iPhone, Android & HTML5 Smartphones - from end-to-end in about 25 minutes using the Infinite Monkeys drag-and-drop mobile app maker at:

If you have been wondering how to ma...

Excel VBA - Get Stock Quotes from Yahoo Finance API - DontFretBrett




Send a Gmail Email From Excel using CDO | Brett Dot Net

How to Download Web Data Scraper and Scrape Data from Web - import.io

How to use Google Chrome Scraper Plugin

web scraping using scraper addon

Web Scraping


HTML Regex Data Extractor










OutWit Hub







web scraping tools open source


Automation Showdown: IFTTT vs Zapier vs Microsoft Flow

IFTTT vs Zapier vs Microsoft Flow



Flow Microsoft


Microsoft představil obří databázi souvislostí Concept. Má pomocí umělým inteligencím, aby nám rozuměly

IFTTT vs Stringify – Hands-on Comparison

What are some alternatives to zapier?

What are some open-source alternatives to Zapier?



Top 3 tools for integrating web apps and automating tasks

Power BI

5 Yahoo! Pipes alternatives that are actually better than Pipes

11+ Alternatives to IFTTT / Zapier / Cloudwork - Web Automation Services

IoT control in the palm of your hand: does Stringify or IFTTT do it better?


Scraper - chrome

Jak na scraping dat z webů
screen scraper
screen scrapingu: data scraping, data extraction, web scraping, page scraping, oraz HTML scraping

automatizace marketingu

Web scraping (web harvesting či web data extraction) je technika získávání dat , kterou se dají strojově (respektive i ručně) extrahovat data z webových stránek. Nástroj (případně bot, crawler) nahlédne do strukturování webu a jen sklízí, co najde (z toho taky ten pojem harvesting). Ze zcela pochopitelných důvodů se k web scrapingu ...


R studio
R #1: Co to je a proč mě to má zajímat (+ instalace)

R #2: R Studio a jak se v něm vyznat





automaticky stahovaná data
copy web data
kopírování dat z webů

1 komentář:

Steven Rivera řekl(a)...

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