MBTI personality test
MBTI personality test

Insights - Insights Discovery
Productive Habits
Devět věcí, které duševně silní jedinci (často) nedělají
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3 komentáře:
McAlpine's “Dynamic Opposites”
This is the second incompatibility theory proposed by McAlpine and is based this time on opposing functions. The preferred cognitive process of one type is the least-conscious process of the other, thus creating the opportunity for a lot of tension and misunderstanding. Here are this model’s incompatible types:
ESTJ least compatible with: ENFJ
ESTP least compatible with: ENFP
ESFJ least compatible with: ENTJ
ESFP least compatible with: ENTP
ENTJ least compatible with: ESFJ
ENTP least compatible with: ESFP
ENFJ least compatible with: ESTJ
ENFP least compatible with: ESTP
ISTJ least compatible with: INFJ
ISTP least compatible with: INFP
ISFJ least compatible with: INTJ
ISFP least compatible with: INTP
INTJ least compatible with: ISFJ
INTP least compatible with: ISFP
INFJ least compatible with: ISTJ
INFP least compatible with: ISTP
ISFJ Dark Side | MBTI | ISFJ Unhealthy Traits, Quirks, and Struggles
Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
11 38 75 44
44 62 25 6
I(+57%) N(+43%) T(+71%) P(+57%)
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging / Perception
Strength of the preferences %
44 62 25 6
INTP Explained Through the Matrix