31. května 2024

Black and White - print

Martin Krystynek MQEP

PHLEARN - YouTube  How to Create Stunning Black & White Images in Photoshop
Black and White Portrait Photography — Pro-Tips & Techniques

Print perceptual vs relative

I use relative settings for more than 75% of images

Print Custom Grey Curves For Adobe Lightroom

This CHANGED My Editing... Learn Lightroom Curves In 20 Minutes

NEW Black & White Editing HACK - Has anyone else tried this yet..?

What to wear for Black and White family photos guide

NEW Black & White Editing HACK - Has anyone else tried this yet..?

Qimage Ultimate - RIP sw 

Qimage Ultimate is the ultimate photo printing software for both professional photographers and enthusiasts alike

Qimage Ultimate Downloads

Canon imagePROGRAF iPF8400 - User's Guide

How to edit for Print - What should you 'do' with your astrophotography?

LR - Luminance range   mask

How to Make a Collage in Lightroom

Collage in Lightroom

sw RIP vs Qimage Ultimate

Qimage Ultimate - Multi Panel Prints
Qimage Ultimate - Print Unclog Pattern (Updated)

Printing: Perceptual vs Relative Colorimetric - naturephotographers.network

Picture Window Pro 7   -   simulate viewing conditions  -  Print Viewing Stations
Picture Window Pro 8


calibrate your monitor, keep the brightness of your monitor low (say, 80 cd/m2), select the color temperature of the monitor to match that of the light that you use to judge your print (although 5000K and 6500K is not a world of difference)

Low ISO VS. High ISO + Denoise: WARNING: You NEED To See This Before Your Next Shoot!

Canon IPF 8400 

page paper size   

A4 paper is has a 1:√2 (≈ 1:1.414)
A3 paper has an aspect ratio of 1.414
Dimensions Of A Series Paper Sizes 

Page Setup

LR - Size   -   File > Page Setup

Retain Size or Auto Expand?

Ne všechny tiskárny mají tuto možnost, ale v závislosti na velikosti papíru, na který tisknete, budete chtít vybrat velikost papíru pro možnost Zachovat velikost nebo Automatické rozšíření. Možnost Zachovat velikost nezvětšuje obrázek, což znamená, že nic neořízne. To však může vést ke vzniku tenkého bílého okraje na jednom nebo více okrajích papíru. To závisí na řadě věcí - především na velikosti papíru a zarovnání při jeho podávání do tiskárny. Pokud v nastavení tiskárny nastavíte velikost a typ papíru, neměli byste mít problém. Případně funkce Auto Expand mírně zvětší obrázek, aby se zabránilo těmto bílým čarám. Několik pixelů obrázku se však nemusí vytisknout. Pokud používáte zvláštní formát papíru nebo papír, který tiskárna nerozpozná, může to být nejbezpečnější varianta.

Adjust margins in Lightroom

Borderless Print 

As I discussed in the last section, it’s important to make sure that your image is cropped to the right aspect ratio from the start. Don’t try to force a 4:5 image onto a 16×9 piece of paper and expect it to come out without any extra space. Instead, if your goal is to print on 16×9 paper, make sure your image is already cropped to the 16×9 aspect ratio before bringing it into the printing module.


Automatic Banding Adjustment (Adj. Quality) (iPF8400) 
Manual Banding Adjustment (Adj. Quality) (iPF8400)."

výběr papíru - pruhy

Auto(GenuinePpr) : One sheet of unused paper, A4/Letter size
Auto(OtherPaper) : Two sheets of unused paper, A4/Letter size (or one sheet when using A2)

The Set./Adj. Menu is displayed.
4.Press  or  to select Adjust Printer, and then press the OK button.

Printing Images to Match Monitor Colors (iPF8400)

LR - Laying out photos in a print template

Print module layouts and templates

Temp 17



Parent systems: Oracle bone script > Seal script > Clerical script > Regular script > Kanji
Kanji in Japanese literally means - Han characters    Chinese

Písmolijna Heavyweight Type

Ai 愛 Kanji. The kanji koi 恋 is love for the opposite sex, a longing for a specific person, while ai 愛 is a general feeling of love. Note that the compound renai 恋愛 for romantic love is written with both koi 恋 and ai 愛

How to Write Love in Japanese Kanji

Dr Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila sit down with Piers Morgan - Sky News Australia

Tammy Peterson: Rosary Testimony

Sky News Australia

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