7. února 2018

Big Data In Healthcare

Big Data In Healthcare

Big Data In Healthcare: Paris Hospitals Predict Admission Rates Using Machine Learning


Hospitals in Paris are trialling Big Data and machine learning systems designed to forecast admission rates – leading to more efficient deployment of resources and better patient outcomes.

It’s just one more way in which cutting-edge data science is being applied to real-world problems in healthcare, along with creating personalized medicines, fighting cancer and streamlining pharmaceutical trials.

At four of the hospitals which make up the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), data from internal and external sources – including 10 years’ worth of hospital admissions records has been crunched to come up with day and hour-level predictions of the number of patients expected through the doors...

open source Trusted Analytics Platform (TAP)

Trusted Analytics https://github.com/trustedanalytics


How Big Data Is Changing Healthcare
Big Data In Healthcare

The Role of Big Data and Mobile Apps in Healthcare

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