2. března 2014

Kde možná udělá Svět či Rusko chybu?

Kde možná udělá Svět či Rusko chybu?

Kosovo je Srbsko – Wikipedie

STANISLAV DRAHNÝ: Má se Ukrajina rozdělit, jako kdysi Československo?

Kde udělali Kličko & spol. chybu?

Jiný  pohled  na  Ukrajinu

Stručná historie Ukrajiny v datech...

Это уже было - Андрей Зубов

Dny  hněvu - Proč se demonstruje v Kyjevě a proč v Paříži

Černé moře je plné min. Co by přinesla námořní válka Ruska s Ukrajinou

Zubov: Krim kao aneksija Sudeta 1938

Už to tady bylo - Andrej Zubov


K autonomnímu Krymu se chtějí připojit tři ukrajinská města

ŽIVĚ: Na Krymu padly varovné výstřely. Rusko pohrozilo nesplácením dluhů americkým bankám

Válka? Novinářský kmet Jan Petránek vnáší svou zkušenost do událostí na Ukrajině

Předvolební Ukrajina zůstává rozdělena - rozhodne se o víkendu

Online: Ukrajina se nerozpadne, ale pootočí se k Rusku

Ukrajina a Chmelnického syndrome

Ukrajina zůstává i po volbách rozdělena

Ukrajina: Vyšachují Janukovyč s Tymošenkovou Juščenka?

Zubov: Moderní dějiny Ruska by neměly být pohádkou, ale poctivou pravdou

referendum, demokracie ... ?

Rethinking Russia's post‐soviet Diaspora: The potential for political mobilisation in eastern Ukraine and north‐east Estonia

The rise of the Ukrainian oligarchs

Post‐Socialist transformation, European neighbourhood and civil society networks between Poland, Russia and Ukraine: a case of multi‐level contingency

Priorities for U.S. Policy toward Ukraine in the Obama Administration

Russian policy toward Ukraine during elections

American Institute in Ukraine - U.S. Elections and Ukraine's


8 komentářů:

  1. Anonymní3/04/2014

    "Tajná čečenská zbraň" ničila nejlepší ruské tanky. Nikdo nevěděl jak


  2. Anonymní3/05/2014

    Ukrajina se vzdala jaderných zbraní. Dostala záruky, i od Ruska


  3. Anonymní3/05/2014

    Stratégové EU se pokoušejí vyvolat na Ukrajině státní převrat: Do Kyjeva míří polovojenské formace. Válka na evropském kontinentě je nám zase o něco blíže. Máme zajímavá videa


  4. Anonymní3/06/2014


    Latest election, 2014[edit]

    On February 27, 2014, during the 2014 Crimean crisis, Refat Chubarov, leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and member of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, said that unknown gunmen seized the Building of the Supreme Council of Crimea (the Parliament) on Karla Marksa Street and the building of the Council of Ministers on Kirova Avenue in Simferopol.[6]

    Fifty gunmen occupied the building of the Crimean legislature, barricaded the building and installed machine guns at the front entrance. They allowed entrance to the Speaker of the Parliament and some members of legislature, but denied entrance to officials of the executive office.[7]

    Under siege, and in violation of all due process,[7] the Supreme Council of Crimea held an emergency session and passed a motion of no confidence in the Council of Ministers and adopted a resolution to terminated its powers.[8] The parliament dismissed the Chairman and Prime Minister, Anatolii Mohyliov pursuant to Article 136 of the Constitution of Ukraine, and replaced him with Sergey Aksyonov, a known member of organized crime.[7] They voted to hold a referendum on the independence of Crimea on May 25.[9]

    According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Crimea is appointed by the Supreme Council of Crimea in consultation with the President of Ukraine.[10][11]

    Olha Sulnikova, head of information and analysis department of parliament, reported on the phone from inside the parliamentary building that 61 of the registered 64 deputies had voted for the referendum resolution and 55 for the resolution to dismiss the government.[12]

    Interfax-Ukraine reported "it is impossible to find out whether all the 64 members of the 100-member legislature who were registered as present, when the two decisions were voted on or whether someone else used the plastic voting cards of some of them" because due to the armed occupation of parliament it was unclear how many members of parliament were present.[12]

    Enver Abduraimov, member of the parliament presidium, said that he did not go inside when he saw that raiders who secured the building were confiscating all communications devices from deputies. Andriy Krysko, head of the Crimean branch of the Voters Committee of Ukraine, announced that no one from the parliament secretariat was in the building when voting took place.[12]

    Volodymyr Konstantinov, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea, and new Prime Minister, Sergey Aksyonov, announced that they refused to recognize the dismissal of Viktor Yanukovych as President of Ukraine, and viewed him as legitimate.[13][14] Aksyonov added "we will follow his directions."[15]

    On 1 March, the Acting President of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, signed a decree declaring the appointment of Sergei Aksyonov unconstitutional.[16]


  5. Anonymní3/20/2014

    Všechno, co víte o Krymu, je špatně


  6. Anonymní4/03/2014

    Svět půjčí Ukrajině 23 miliard dolarů. Země je ale pořád blízko bankrotu


  7. Anonymní4/09/2014

    Proč USA vadí Krym a ne anexe jejich Havaje, Portorika, Guamu...?


  8. Anonymní4/14/2014

    Putin: Rusko Ukrajině pomohlo doopravdy a darovalo jí miliardy dolarů. EU o pomoci jenom mluví


    Kdo je pan Putin, jak se dostal k moci, proč je na západě tak nenáviděn a proč Obama odjel jak spráskaný pes? Tady je odpověď


    To jsou konce: Tradiční hodnoty západní civilizace brání Vladimír Putin! Naši rusofobové by měli zbystřit


    Putin mluvil s občany: Propagace pedofilie v Holandsku, imperiální choutky USA a imigrace

