1. května 2010

N Koreans labouring in Russia's

N Koreans labouring in Russia's

Simon Ostrovsky travels to a logging camp in a remote forest in Russia's far east to investigate the links between North Korea and a timber company run by British businessmen. This is his exclusive report.
BBC movie
N Koreans toiling in Russia's timber camps
North Koreans in Russia
Russian ‘Power Politics’, North Korea and the Future of Northeast Asia

Association No. 2 - North Korean loggers in Russia

3 komentáře:

  1. Anonymní5/18/2010

    Biolog s rukama od krve

    Jméno Trofima Denisoviče Lysenka ...


  2. Anonymní5/26/2010

    Korean Friendship Association

    Sdružení přátel Koreje

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