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YTS musí zaplatit pokutu a může skončit
Sámer Shehadeh je pražský imám
pražského imáma Samera Shehadeha
Soud začne obžalobu na tři Čechy, kteří se dali na stranu teroristů
quotations, links and thinking about something - How to? bloček odkazů citací a úvah ...
31. července 2019
Výpadek elektrického proudu a jeho následky
Blackout = výpadek elektrického proudu a jeho následky
Pojmem „BLACKOUT“ označujeme rozsáhlý výpadek dodávek elektrické energie na velkém území po dobu desítek hodin nebo dnů, který zasáhne velké množství obyvatel ...
Příčin vzniku BLACKOUTu může být mnoho ...
mohlo by se jednat například:
přírodní vlivy
technické problémy, havárie
teroristický útok
lidský faktor
ozbrojený konflikt ...
Příprava na BLACKOUT
- toto si vytiskněte neboť pokud dojde k výpadku el. energie tak ...
v případě blackout-u šetřete pitnou vodou v maximální míře
používejte ji především či pouze na pití
ale nepijte (pokud nemusíte) močopudné nápoje
Jak bychom žili den po dni, kdyby nastal blackout
- toto si vytiskněte neboť pokud dojde k výpadku el. energie tak ...
Portál krizového řízení JmK
Rady pro občany - Pitná voda - toto si vytiskněte neboť pokud dojde k výpadku el. energie tak ...
Portál krizového řízení - Středočeský kraj
Blackouty – 1. část: Největší blackouty v historii lidstva -
Výpadek elektrického proudu a jeho následky v Jihočeském kraji
diplomová práce
Příčiny a následky velkých výpadků v dodávkách elektřiny
Výhodou střídavého proudu oproti stejnosměrnému je možnost transformací zvýšit jeho napětí.
Když totiž při přenášení stejného výkonu zvýšíme transformátorem napětí jen desetkrát,
klesne proud v ampérech na desetinu
a ztráty způsobené odporem (protože jsou úměrné druhé mocnině proudu) poklesnou na setinu :-)
top online kalkulačka většiny výpočtů kolem elektřiny
elektrikářská online kalkulačka
elektro online kalkulačka
Výpadky elektřiny online: Kde najít přerušení dodávek?
Nahlášení přerušení dodávky elektrické energie (poruchy)
krizové řízení
krizové řízení
elektrická energie a závislost na ní
30. července 2019
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Top 5 free finance templates in Google Sheets
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29. července 2019
PLC vs. Arduino for industrial control
Monitoring with Industrial Arduino based PLC
Microcontroller vs PLC: A Detailed Comparison
Hack projects - Open Hardware Projects
PLC vs. Arduino for industrial control - Control Design
Can a $20 micro-controller equal a PLC for a real-world industrial control application?
OpenPLC is an open-source Programmable Logic Controller
Open Advanced Process Control
Small Brick Open Source PLC
Large Brick Open Source PLC
Microcontroller vs PLC: A Detailed Comparison
1. Continuous bottle filling system
2. Batch mixing system
3. Stage air conditioning system
4. Traffic control
Industrial PLC Arduino
Arduino PLC Primer: Part 1
Raspberry Pi and Arduino – Introduction
Arduino as a programmable logic controller (PLC)
WeMos SAMD21 Arduino M0 Quick Start Tutorial
Pi Microscope A mostly printed digital microscope powered by a Rasperry Pi Zero W
Arduino Robotic Arm
Measuring DC Voltage using Arduino
World’s Top 10 IoT Project Ideas for IoT Enthusiasts
- Microcontroller Projects: Wireless systems
- Microcontroller Projects: Locks
- Microcontroller Projects: Robotics
- Microcontroller Projects: Smart Living
- Microcontroller Projects: Lighting
- Microcontroller Projects: Miscellaneous
World’s Smallest IoT project!!! - ESP8266 01 module 4 x 2 x 1 cm
Home Automation: Engineering: A Home With Eyes, Ears And Plenty Of Smarts
How To Use Relays For Real-World Applications?
Single Board Computers
The BeagleBoard is a low-power open-source single-board computer produced by Texas Instruments in association with Digi-Key and Newark element14
MSP430 LaunchPad
How Police Trace Cell Phone Location by Mobile Number or IMEI number
27. července 2019
Microcontroller Contest
Microcontroller Contest
Top microcontroller stories of 2016 7 8 9 20
Open-collector and -drain devices
The 1kB Challenge
EIE Microcontroller Application Design Contest
Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V1.0
Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V2.0
programming wemos d1 mini arduino
Wemos ESP8266 Getting Started Guide With Arduino IDE
ESP8266 - vývojová deska WeMos D1
Hrajeme si WeMos D1 – představení a progamování
Hrajeme si WeMos D1 – Web server –
Wemos webserver example
Top microcontroller stories of 2016 7 8 9 20
Open-collector and -drain devices
The 1kB Challenge
EIE Microcontroller Application Design Contest
Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V1.0
Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V2.0
programming wemos d1 mini arduino
Wemos ESP8266 Getting Started Guide With Arduino IDE
ESP8266 - vývojová deska WeMos D1
Hrajeme si WeMos D1 – představení a progamování
Hrajeme si WeMos D1 – Web server –
Wemos webserver example
The Unabomber Manifesto - Technologické otroctví
The Unabomber Manifesto - Technologické otroctví
Snížením inteligence v důsledku paranoidní schizofrenie
Podle některých analytiků se na pozdějších Kaczynského atentátech podepisuje jeho účast na pokusech psychologa Henryho Murraye. V nich studenti vedli tajné dlouhé debaty o svých postojích a hodnotách. Tyto rozhovory byly přitom tajně nahrávány, poté byly studentům připoutaným k židli puštěny a zesměšňovány Murrayem a Kaczynským.
Před tímto riskantním pokusem, kdy hrozí ataky schizofrenických stavů, byl Kaczynski stabilní osobností. Poté to již neplatilo. Bez vysvětlení z univerzity následující rok odešel.éra
part of Text of Unabomber Manifesto
1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.
2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.
HOW SOME People adjust
77. Not everyone in industrial-technological society suffers from psychological problems. Some people even profess to be quite satisfied with society as it is. We now discuss some of the reasons why people differ so greatly in their response to modern society.
78. First, there doubtless are differences in the strength of the drive for power. Individuals with a weak drive for power may have relatively little need to go through the power process, or at least relatively little need for autonomy in the power process. These are docile types who would have been happy as plantation darkies in the Old South. (We don't mean to sneer at the "plantation darkies" of the Old South. To their credit, most of the slaves were NOT content with their servitude. We do sneer at people who ARE content with servitude.)
79. Some people may have some exceptional drive, in pursuing which they satisfy their need for the power process. For example, those who have an unusually strong drive for social status may spend their whole lives climbing the status ladder without ever getting bored with that game.
80. People vary in their susceptibility to advertising and marketing techniques. Some are so susceptible that, even if they make a great deal of money, they cannot satisfy their constant craving for the the shiny new toys that the marketing industry dangles before their eyes. So they always feel hard-pressed financially even if their income is large, and their cravings are frustrated.
81. Some people have low susceptibility to advertising and marketing techniques. These are the people who aren't interested in money. Material acquisition does not serve their need for the power process.
82. People who have medium susceptibility to advertising and marketing techniques are able to earn enough money to satisfy their craving for goods and services, but only at the cost of serious effort (putting in overtime, taking a second job, earning promotions, etc.). Thus material acquisition serves their need for the power process. But it does not necessarily follow that their need is fully satisfied. They may have insufficient autonomy in the power process (their work may consist of following orders) and some of their drives may be frustrated (e.g., security, aggression). (We are guilty of oversimplification in paragraphs 80-82 because we have assumed that the desire for material acquisition is entirely a creation of the advertising and marketing industry. Of course it's not that simple. [11]
No doubt the majority of scientists, like the majority of the general population, are more or less susceptible to advertising and marketing techniques and need money to satisfy their craving for goods and services
Technologické otroctví
Technologické otroctví
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us
"Why is life worth living?"
Kaczynski's dystopian vision describes unintended consequences, a well-known problem with the design and use of technology, and one that is clearly related to Murphy's law—"Anything that can go wrong, will." (Actually, this is Finagle's law, which in itself shows that Finagle was right.) Our overuse of antibiotics has ...
Bill Joy, cofounder and Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems
The Repair Manifesto
Snížením inteligence v důsledku paranoidní schizofrenie
Podle některých analytiků se na pozdějších Kaczynského atentátech podepisuje jeho účast na pokusech psychologa Henryho Murraye. V nich studenti vedli tajné dlouhé debaty o svých postojích a hodnotách. Tyto rozhovory byly přitom tajně nahrávány, poté byly studentům připoutaným k židli puštěny a zesměšňovány Murrayem a Kaczynským.
Před tímto riskantním pokusem, kdy hrozí ataky schizofrenických stavů, byl Kaczynski stabilní osobností. Poté to již neplatilo. Bez vysvětlení z univerzity následující rok odešel.éra
Creator: John ‘Ted’ Kaczynski is also known as the Unabomber is most famous for engaging in a mail bombing campaign in the US from 1978 to 1995.
Purpose: The Unabomber Manifesto is titled ‘Industrial Society and its Future’ and it speaks to the “erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organisation.” (Wikipedia)
The Unabomber Manifesto
(Opening Sentence only of the Five Points in the Introduction)
1 The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.2 The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down.3 If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful.4 We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system.5 In this article we give attention to only some of the negative developments that have grown out of the industrial-technological system.
The Manifesto contains 232 Points in Total
Here are the headings within the Manifesto
- The psychology of modern leftism
- Feelings of inferiority
- Oversocialization
- The power process
- Surrogate activities
- Autonomy
- Sources of social problems
- Disruption of the power process in modern society
- How some people adjust
- The motives of scientists
- The nature of freedom
- Some principles of history
- Industrial-technological society cannot be reformed
- Restriction of freedom is unavoidable in industrial society
- The ‘bad’ parts of technology cannot be separated from the ‘good’ parts
- Technology is a more powerful social force than the aspiration for freedom
- Simpler social problems have proved intractable
- Revolution is easier than reform
- Control of human behavior
- Human race at a crossroads
- Human suffering
- The future
- Strategy
- Two kinds of technology
- The danger of leftism
- Final note
Complete Manifesto:
About Ted Kaczynski:
part of Text of Unabomber Manifesto
1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.
2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.
HOW SOME People adjust
77. Not everyone in industrial-technological society suffers from psychological problems. Some people even profess to be quite satisfied with society as it is. We now discuss some of the reasons why people differ so greatly in their response to modern society.
78. First, there doubtless are differences in the strength of the drive for power. Individuals with a weak drive for power may have relatively little need to go through the power process, or at least relatively little need for autonomy in the power process. These are docile types who would have been happy as plantation darkies in the Old South. (We don't mean to sneer at the "plantation darkies" of the Old South. To their credit, most of the slaves were NOT content with their servitude. We do sneer at people who ARE content with servitude.)
79. Some people may have some exceptional drive, in pursuing which they satisfy their need for the power process. For example, those who have an unusually strong drive for social status may spend their whole lives climbing the status ladder without ever getting bored with that game.
80. People vary in their susceptibility to advertising and marketing techniques. Some are so susceptible that, even if they make a great deal of money, they cannot satisfy their constant craving for the the shiny new toys that the marketing industry dangles before their eyes. So they always feel hard-pressed financially even if their income is large, and their cravings are frustrated.
81. Some people have low susceptibility to advertising and marketing techniques. These are the people who aren't interested in money. Material acquisition does not serve their need for the power process.
82. People who have medium susceptibility to advertising and marketing techniques are able to earn enough money to satisfy their craving for goods and services, but only at the cost of serious effort (putting in overtime, taking a second job, earning promotions, etc.). Thus material acquisition serves their need for the power process. But it does not necessarily follow that their need is fully satisfied. They may have insufficient autonomy in the power process (their work may consist of following orders) and some of their drives may be frustrated (e.g., security, aggression). (We are guilty of oversimplification in paragraphs 80-82 because we have assumed that the desire for material acquisition is entirely a creation of the advertising and marketing industry. Of course it's not that simple. [11]
No doubt the majority of scientists, like the majority of the general population, are more or less susceptible to advertising and marketing techniques and need money to satisfy their craving for goods and services
Technologické otroctví
Technologické otroctví
Tento příspěvek zahrnuje dvě antitechnologické eseje, které se zaměřují na díla Teda Kaczynského.
První z nich je Technologické otroctví: Odezva na Campbella a Lipkina. Esej je reakcí na jinou esej Thomase Cambella a Michaela Lipkina, v níž je komentováno úsilí Teda Kaczynského s kritickou perspektivou. Této eseje je autorem David Skrbina, jenž je tvůrcem knihy Teda Kaczynského „Technologické otroctví“, na níž také odkazuje tato esej.
Druhou esejí je Nová luddistická výzva, což je výňatek z eseje „Proč nás budoucnost nepotřebuje“, jíž je autorem spoluzakladatel Sun Microsystems Bill Joy. Joy v této eseji možná překvapivě přiznává Kaczynského přínos.
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us
"Why is life worth living?"
Kaczynski's dystopian vision describes unintended consequences, a well-known problem with the design and use of technology, and one that is clearly related to Murphy's law—"Anything that can go wrong, will." (Actually, this is Finagle's law, which in itself shows that Finagle was right.) Our overuse of antibiotics has ...
Bill Joy, cofounder and Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems
- Art & Design
- Corporate
- Economics
- Education
- Environment
- Lifestyle
- Personal
- Politics
- Religion
- Social
- Sport
- Technology
- Uncategorized
The Repair Manifesto
26. července 2019
Zhakovec Kingdom
Zhakovec Kingdom
Zhakovec Kingdom its beautiful, independent but not too big kingdom.
Located near Schöne Poland but surrounded by Czech republic.
25. července 2019
Bureaucratic cancer Dominic Cummings
Bureaucracy is cancerous
Bureaucratic cancer and the sabotage of A Level reform
why leave won?
On the referendum #32:
Science/productivity —
a) small teams are more disruptive,
b) ‘science is becoming far less efficient’
This blog considers two recent papers on the dynamics of scientific research: one in Nature and one by the brilliant physicist, Michael Nielsen, and the brilliant founder of Stripe, Patrick Collison, who is a very unusual CEO. These findings are very important to the question: how can we make economies more productive and what is the relationship between basic science and productivity? The papers are also interesting for those interested in the general question of high performance teams.
These issues are also crucial to the debate about what on earth Britain focuses on now the 2016 referendum has destroyed the Insiders’ preferred national strategy of ‘influencing the EU project’.
For as long as I have watched British politics ...
This recent Nature paper gives evidence that
a) small teams are more disruptive in science research and
b) solo researchers/small teams are significantly underfunded ...
Complexity and prediction VI:
a model predicts the frequency and severity of interstate wars, ‘a profound mystery for which we have no explanation’ ...
Unrecognised simplicities of effective action #1: expertise and a quadrillion dollar business
‘The combination of physics and politics could render the surface of the earth uninhabitable.’ John von Neumann. Introduction
My essay on an ‘Odyssean’ Education
Why Brexit chief Dominic Cummings voted Leave
On the referendum #33:
High performance government, ‘cognitive technologies’, Michael Nielsen, Bret Victor, & ‘Seeing Rooms’ ‘People, ideas, machines — in that order!’ Colonel Boyd.
‘The main thing that’s needed is simply the recognition of how important seeing is, and the will to do something about it.’ Bret Victor.
‘[T]he transfer of an entirely new and quite different framework for thinking about, designing, and using information systems … is immensely more difficult than transferring technology.’ Robert Taylor, one of the handful most responsible for the creation of the internet and personal computing, and in inspiration to Bret Victor.
‘[M]uch of our intellectual elite who think they have “the solutions” have actually cut themselves off from understanding the basis for much of the most important human progress.’ Michael Nielsen, physicist.
Erskine May
Dominic Cummings is a man with a plan
Why Dominic Cummings is Johnson’s most important appointment
Infografika: Tvrdý brexit stále ve hře. Kde by bolel nejvíc?
Dominic Cummings questioned by Andrew Tyrie
The six best moments from Jacob Rees-Mogg’s government debut
Jacob Rees-Mogg on prorogation
Bureaucratic cancer and the sabotage of A Level reform
why leave won?
On the referendum #32:
Science/productivity —
a) small teams are more disruptive,
b) ‘science is becoming far less efficient’
This blog considers two recent papers on the dynamics of scientific research: one in Nature and one by the brilliant physicist, Michael Nielsen, and the brilliant founder of Stripe, Patrick Collison, who is a very unusual CEO. These findings are very important to the question: how can we make economies more productive and what is the relationship between basic science and productivity? The papers are also interesting for those interested in the general question of high performance teams.
These issues are also crucial to the debate about what on earth Britain focuses on now the 2016 referendum has destroyed the Insiders’ preferred national strategy of ‘influencing the EU project’.
For as long as I have watched British politics ...
This recent Nature paper gives evidence that
a) small teams are more disruptive in science research and
b) solo researchers/small teams are significantly underfunded ...
Complexity and prediction VI:
a model predicts the frequency and severity of interstate wars, ‘a profound mystery for which we have no explanation’ ...
Unrecognised simplicities of effective action #1: expertise and a quadrillion dollar business
‘The combination of physics and politics could render the surface of the earth uninhabitable.’ John von Neumann. Introduction
My essay on an ‘Odyssean’ Education
Why Brexit chief Dominic Cummings voted Leave
On the referendum #33:
High performance government, ‘cognitive technologies’, Michael Nielsen, Bret Victor, & ‘Seeing Rooms’ ‘People, ideas, machines — in that order!’ Colonel Boyd.
‘The main thing that’s needed is simply the recognition of how important seeing is, and the will to do something about it.’ Bret Victor.
‘[T]he transfer of an entirely new and quite different framework for thinking about, designing, and using information systems … is immensely more difficult than transferring technology.’ Robert Taylor, one of the handful most responsible for the creation of the internet and personal computing, and in inspiration to Bret Victor.
‘[M]uch of our intellectual elite who think they have “the solutions” have actually cut themselves off from understanding the basis for much of the most important human progress.’ Michael Nielsen, physicist.
Erskine May
Dominic Cummings is a man with a plan
Why Dominic Cummings is Johnson’s most important appointment
Infografika: Tvrdý brexit stále ve hře. Kde by bolel nejvíc?
Dominic Cummings questioned by Andrew Tyrie
The six best moments from Jacob Rees-Mogg’s government debut
Jacob Rees-Mogg on prorogation
15. července 2019
Where do you go Galileo?
Where do you go Galileo?
Satelliten-Navigationssystem Galileo gestört – Fehler bei Infrastruktur am Boden geortet
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Kompromitacja europejskiego „GPS-u”. Galileo nie działa i nikt nie chce powiedzieć, co się stało
Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, where to go? Navigation satellite signals flip from degraded to full TITSUP* over span of four days
The multibillion-euro navigation system Galileo went dark over the weekend.
Things began to wobble last Thursday, 11 July, as the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (EGSA) issued an advisory at 14:45 UTC warning of "service degradation".
At the time, sat-nav mag Inside GNSS reported that sources within the agency reckoned things would be back to normal over the weekend.
Unless normal service equals "borked beyond belief", things went downhill rapidly as a subsequent advisory issued on Saturday upped the designation to "service outage", noting that the event, which affects all satellites, actually started at 01:50 UTC on 12 July.
The European Union’s geolocation and navigation satellite system—known as Galileo—is offline due to issues with ground infrastructure. Galileo has been in operation since 2016 and consists of 22 satellites. It was created to offer an alternative to the US’s GPS system. No timeline has been given for getting the satellites back online, so Galileo is relying on GPS satellites in the interim.
aspi strategist
Satelitní navigace Galileo už 5. den nefunguje. Příčina je na Zemi, a není jasné, kdy bude opravena
One step closer to a clock that could replace GPS and Galileo
Scientists in the Emergent Photonics Lab (EPic Lab) at the University of Sussex have made a breakthrough to a crucial element of an atomic clock -- devices which could reduce our reliance on satellite mapping in the future -- using cutting-edge laser beam technology. Their development greatly improves the efficiency of the lancet (which in a traditional clock is responsible for counting), by 80% -- something which scientists around the world have been racing to achieve...
Global Positioning System
EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service)
GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
Why Galileo is not seen in United States?
GNSS Compare app
Co nám přinese Galileo, už teď se prý vyplácí
GALILEO - poskytované služby
Navigační systém Galileo začal nabízet služby. Pro jediný model telefonu - 2015
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung is a Swiss, German-language daily newspaper
Průvodce pádem satelitu, který změní váš pohled na oblohu
Víte, co vám tajně létá nad hlavou? Družice vás „poznají po hlase“
Odborník na lesy k smrtícím požárům: Jsme hladoví po dřevě a vyrábíme si hromady střelného prachu
požár oheň
gps jammers
Satelliten-Navigationssystem Galileo gestört – Fehler bei Infrastruktur am Boden geortet
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Kompromitacja europejskiego „GPS-u”. Galileo nie działa i nikt nie chce powiedzieć, co się stało
Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, where to go? Navigation satellite signals flip from degraded to full TITSUP* over span of four days
The multibillion-euro navigation system Galileo went dark over the weekend.
Things began to wobble last Thursday, 11 July, as the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (EGSA) issued an advisory at 14:45 UTC warning of "service degradation".
At the time, sat-nav mag Inside GNSS reported that sources within the agency reckoned things would be back to normal over the weekend.
Unless normal service equals "borked beyond belief", things went downhill rapidly as a subsequent advisory issued on Saturday upped the designation to "service outage", noting that the event, which affects all satellites, actually started at 01:50 UTC on 12 July.
The European Union’s geolocation and navigation satellite system—known as Galileo—is offline due to issues with ground infrastructure. Galileo has been in operation since 2016 and consists of 22 satellites. It was created to offer an alternative to the US’s GPS system. No timeline has been given for getting the satellites back online, so Galileo is relying on GPS satellites in the interim.
aspi strategist
Satelitní navigace Galileo už 5. den nefunguje. Příčina je na Zemi, a není jasné, kdy bude opravena
One step closer to a clock that could replace GPS and Galileo
Scientists in the Emergent Photonics Lab (EPic Lab) at the University of Sussex have made a breakthrough to a crucial element of an atomic clock -- devices which could reduce our reliance on satellite mapping in the future -- using cutting-edge laser beam technology. Their development greatly improves the efficiency of the lancet (which in a traditional clock is responsible for counting), by 80% -- something which scientists around the world have been racing to achieve...
Global Positioning System
EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service)
GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
Why Galileo is not seen in United States?
GNSS Compare app
Co nám přinese Galileo, už teď se prý vyplácí
GALILEO - poskytované služby
Navigační systém Galileo začal nabízet služby. Pro jediný model telefonu - 2015
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung is a Swiss, German-language daily newspaper
Průvodce pádem satelitu, který změní váš pohled na oblohu
Víte, co vám tajně létá nad hlavou? Družice vás „poznají po hlase“
Odborník na lesy k smrtícím požárům: Jsme hladoví po dřevě a vyrábíme si hromady střelného prachu
požár oheň
gps jammers
1. července 2019
Pozor na podvodníky na Heureka cz
Pozor na podvodníky na Heureka cz
Díky za upozornění od Mirka (jednoho našeho čtenáře) na případ níže.
Na Heuréce nabízí firma Huawei P30 Pro za podezřele nízkou cenu.
Aby tato cena byla asi uvěřitelnější uvádí prodejce že jde o mobil z z UK distribuce.
Samozřejmě těžko a jednoznačně říci zda se jedná o podvodné jednání nebo došlo opravdu k chybě.
Zajímalo by mne zda HEUREKA garantuje inzerovanou cenu, čímž by se dalo podobným podvodům snadno zabránit.
Společnost Heureka ma jistě páky jak danou cenu z podvodníka vyrazit a pokud ne, může s podvodníkem ukončit spolupráci.
Nekalé obchodní praktiky samozřejmě (asi) mnohem více zneužívají velké korporace
viz Crony Capitalism
podvodné jednání
fair play
--- aktualizace ---
Jak vypadá nabídka Huawei P30 Pro na"huawei p30 pro" 6gb 128gb dual-sim&razeni=nejlevnejsi
Díky za upozornění od Mirka (jednoho našeho čtenáře) na případ níže.
Na Heuréce nabízí firma Huawei P30 Pro za podezřele nízkou cenu.
Aby tato cena byla asi uvěřitelnější uvádí prodejce že jde o mobil z z UK distribuce.
Samozřejmě těžko a jednoznačně říci zda se jedná o podvodné jednání nebo došlo opravdu k chybě.
Zajímalo by mne zda HEUREKA garantuje inzerovanou cenu, čímž by se dalo podobným podvodům snadno zabránit.
Společnost Heureka ma jistě páky jak danou cenu z podvodníka vyrazit a pokud ne, může s podvodníkem ukončit spolupráci.
Nekalé obchodní praktiky samozřejmě (asi) mnohem více zneužívají velké korporace
viz Crony Capitalism
podvodné jednání
fair play
--- aktualizace ---
Jak vypadá nabídka Huawei P30 Pro na"huawei p30 pro" 6gb 128gb dual-sim&razeni=nejlevnejsi
vosk na dřevo
Test olejů pro dřevěný nábytek a dřevěné podlahy
SYNTEKO-Olej na dřevěné podllahy a nábytek v interiéru
Vosky na dřevo
Přírodní včelí vosky na dřevo vosky-na-drevo
- Přírodní oleje na dřevo
- Ředidla do přírodních olejů
- Sušidlo do přírodních olejů
- Pryskyřice - kalafuna do olejů
- Přírodní vosky na dřevo
- Lněná fermež
- Terpentýn - Terpentýnový olej
- Dřevní tér - dehet
- TOP tér - hotová směs
- TOP olej UV - olej jako lak
- Teakový olej
- Olej na podlahy a nábytek
- Terasový olej
- Přírodní oleje s včelím voskem
- Olejová lazura tradiční
- Olejová lazura vodou ředitelná
- Vosková lazura vodou ředitelná
- Biocidní ochrana dřeva - DERON
- Odstraňovače šedi a čističe
- Odstraňovače olejů a barev
- Štětce Color Expert
- Brusivo HERMES
- KLUMPP-vnitřní oleje a laky
- OWATROL-oleje a detergenty
- ILVA-italské barvy a laky
mazaný zdroj:
ale samozřejmě nakupujte u českých obchodníků
oak stand for ipad air
Marketing lies
Marketing lies
Non-Price Competition in Imperfect Markets
Non Price Competition in Oligopoly
Advertising spending
Brand loyalty
Location saturated market
How Tesco’s new discount brand could take on Aldi and Lidl with Location Intelligence
Finding potential sites and nearby competition
Predicting sales performance
Aldi rapped by ASA for misleading price comparison ads
Tesco accuses Aldi of unfairly skewing its price comparison in favour of itself
Sainsbury's loses High Court appeal over Tesco's 'Price Promise' ad campaign
Sainsbury's to release "Same Price, Different Values" ad campaign in reaction to ASA ruling over Tesco Price Plan
As Brexit looms, is this the last Christmas that retailers can avoid talking up price in ads?
Asda wins tussle with Tesco over price statistics
Soud potvrdil Lidlu pokutu za vábivou reklamu
Zlevněného zboží bylo málo. Soud potvrdil Lidlu pokutu za vábivou reklamu
Supermarket price wars save us £400 a year: Battles triggered by millions flocking to Aldi and Lidl helps reverse decades of rising food prices
Market share of grocery stores in Great Britain from August 2012 to August 2018
Aldi and Lidl gain market share again as UK shoppers begin buying festive treats
Percentage change in sales at Aldi in Great Britain compared to a year earlier from September 2014 to March 2019*
UK vs Germany: Which provides the best online delivery experience?
UK digital marketing - Research, tips and news for marketers
Map of the month: Sales area productivity, Europe 2016
Map of the Month: Sales area productivity, Europe 2018
Non-Price Competition in Imperfect Markets
Non Price Competition in Oligopoly
Advertising spending
Brand loyalty
Location saturated market
How Tesco’s new discount brand could take on Aldi and Lidl with Location Intelligence
Finding potential sites and nearby competition
Predicting sales performance
Aldi rapped by ASA for misleading price comparison ads
Tesco accuses Aldi of unfairly skewing its price comparison in favour of itself
Sainsbury's loses High Court appeal over Tesco's 'Price Promise' ad campaign
Sainsbury's to release "Same Price, Different Values" ad campaign in reaction to ASA ruling over Tesco Price Plan
As Brexit looms, is this the last Christmas that retailers can avoid talking up price in ads?
marketing lies |
Asda wins tussle with Tesco over price statistics
Soud potvrdil Lidlu pokutu za vábivou reklamu
Zlevněného zboží bylo málo. Soud potvrdil Lidlu pokutu za vábivou reklamu
vábivá falešná reklama
Supermarket price wars save us £400 a year: Battles triggered by millions flocking to Aldi and Lidl helps reverse decades of rising food prices
Market share of grocery stores in Great Britain from August 2012 to August 2018
Aldi and Lidl gain market share again as UK shoppers begin buying festive treats
Percentage change in sales at Aldi in Great Britain compared to a year earlier from September 2014 to March 2019*
UK vs Germany: Which provides the best online delivery experience?
UK digital marketing - Research, tips and news for marketers
Map of the month: Sales area productivity, Europe 2016
Map of the Month: Sales area productivity, Europe 2018
Mezinárodní politika ČR
Mezinárodní politika ČR
Konec Afghánistánu. Česká armáda se přesouvá do Afriky
Stojí ale za pozornost, jak včera uvedla poslankyně Jana Černochová v pořadu Události, komentáře, Česká republika posílá do Afriky bojové jednotky na základě francouzské žádosti a pod francouzským velením, nikoliv pod mandátem mezinárodní organizace, jako je OSN, EU nebo NATO ...
French, Mali troops kill, capture 30 jihadists in African Sahel
POLITICKÉ PROSTŘEDKY - NATO prosazuje demokratické hodnoty a umožňuje členům radit se a spolupracovat při řešení problémů v oblasti obrany a bezpečnostních otázek, budovat důvěru a předcházet konfliktům v dlouhodobém horizontu.á_smlouva
Portugalsko zakládající člen NATO
Portugalský diktátor António de Oliviera Salazar?
Konec Afghánistánu. Česká armáda se přesouvá do Afriky
Stojí ale za pozornost, jak včera uvedla poslankyně Jana Černochová v pořadu Události, komentáře, Česká republika posílá do Afriky bojové jednotky na základě francouzské žádosti a pod francouzským velením, nikoliv pod mandátem mezinárodní organizace, jako je OSN, EU nebo NATO ...
French, Mali troops kill, capture 30 jihadists in African Sahel
POLITICKÉ PROSTŘEDKY - NATO prosazuje demokratické hodnoty a umožňuje členům radit se a spolupracovat při řešení problémů v oblasti obrany a bezpečnostních otázek, budovat důvěru a předcházet konfliktům v dlouhodobém horizontu.á_smlouva
Portugalsko zakládající člen NATO
Portugalský diktátor António de Oliviera Salazar?